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Legacy Gives Back

At Legacy, we believe there is a difference between being successful, and being significant. While we strive for excellence on the field, our mission off the field is to develop young people who have a significant impact in their local community and beyond.


Partnership with Coreluv

Partnership with Butterflies and Birdies


Partnership with Stillwater Sports Camp

During the Spring of 2021, Legacy did a fundraiser drive awareness to Coreluv. This partnership began when Coach Lee and Coach Paul visited the Coreluv orphanage in Haiti in 2019.  Our players wear a Defend the Orphan shirt for training and the proceeds from these allowed us to write a check to Corluv for $1500.

We were given the opportunity to partner with Butterflies and Birdies in their 1st annual Wreaths for Hope event. Legacy players and familes helped to assemble and prepare over 400 wreaths that where then placed at the graveside for the holidays. We look forward to supporting Butterflies and BIrdies in the future missions. 

Still Water Camps shares the life-changing truth of Jesus Christ through evangelistic and discipleship-focused initiatives in partnership with the local body of Christ. We seek to serve the community through overnight camp, day camps, and family camps. The mission of Still Water goes beyond camp to provide continued investment, discipleship and Kingdom-minded involvement for our campers and summer staff all year long.

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Partnership with Compassion International

Legacy chose to partner with Compassion International during the 21-22 season. We have adopted 3 children to financially support for the year through the purchase of our warmup shirts. Players are educated about the program as well has have written letters to these children.

Partnership with Sportscatalysts

Partnership with Love146

For the 2022-2024 soccer season we will be raising awareness  for Love146 and their mission to end child trafficking. Our jerseys will be more than just a jersey and will allow us to educate our players and those they encounter on the hard truths behind child trafficking.  Click here to learn more.

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